Service Learning Day Options

Warethwa Cultural Center

Warethwa Association is an initiative sponsored by Timbila Muzimba, a well-known Mozambican contemporary band. They have been working for years with teenagers from the neighborhood and were recently granted some land by the government to consolidate their intervention activities. Their activities seek to keep teens away from a life of risk and to build the […]

School for the Deaf

Founded in 1988, the school is part of the government’s efforts to provide deaf or hearing disabled children with an education. It has 105 students enrolled in Kindergarten to grade 7. After that, the students enter the conventional education system. Our partnership includes interaction activities with their students, such as dancing, cooking, traditional games, sports, […]

Polana Community School

This school is part of the Mozambican education network and provides schooling for students in grades 1-5. As a community school, it does not receive any financial help from the government beyond training for teachers and administrators. Families of children who attend this school pay token fees (MT 200/Us 7 a month), which is put […]

Mafalala Neighborhood

At Mafalala neighborhood, AISM works with Dambo Association, which is led by students and professionals, aiming to promote and develop sanitation, the environment and the educational conditions of local schools in Mozambique. This association is imbued with a selfless spirit of volunteerism and the constant search for solutions to the problems that their particular class […]

Livro Aberto literacy organization

Livro Aberto (‘Open Book’) is a library and literacy organization founded here in 2007. Their goal is to develop a reading culture in Mozambique that hopefully inspires children to inquire, innovate and achieve through books and literacy. It promotes literacy for life-long empowerment and enjoyment. AISM visits Livro Aberto regularly, in support of their literary […]

Arco Iris Orphanage

Situated in the outskirts of Maputo, this huge organization hosts more than 300 kids in different houses, and has a school on the property. Although Arco Iris has a good fundraising department – leading to a reasonable structure – it lacks the human resources that would give its children a sense of care and community. […]