Maria Mãe Pilar – Girls only home


Maria Pilar Orphanage offers some small group of Mozambican orphans with a possibility of having a good education and get out of the cycle of poverty. AISM is contributing to reinforce this possibility.The partnership with “Beata Maria Pilar Orphanage” has the purpose of linking AISM students with their 35 orphan girls, aged 5 to 17, in the areas of cooking, sports, cleaning, English language and computers. The orphanage has been organized and founded by the Spanish Government and run by a Spanish religious congregation. It provides the girls with a peaceful environment, food and room, so that they can have meaningful access to public education, which would otherwise be difficult for them to acquire. In order to reinforce their knowledge, the girls receive reinforcement classes in the afternoon at the orphanage when they are not attending regular school. AISM contribute to these classes in the areas of English and Computer skills.