Day 1 – Thursday, January 16 2020

Session 1
Workshop Title Workshop Description Name of School and Leaders Assigned Room

Tree Planting Project

The Tree Planting Project is a collaborative initiative across several on-campus service groups and our local partner “Roots and Shoots” aimed at raising awareness about environmental issues as well as demonstrating how we, as individuals, can take steps towards positive change. We believe this project embodies the spirit of N’Zassa since it is only through the communal effort that this is even a possibility – together we are leveraging our strengths to contribute to one goal. Namely, for every student and teacher on our secondary campus to plant a tree.

In our presentation, we will share about the diverse groups that have come together to make this project a reality while also outlining the difficulties we have faced throughout the process. In reality, this project is still in its infancy and we will also share our hope for how this project will continue to evolve over the coming months.

In the end, we want participants to understand how important it is to remain flexible, adaptable and collaborative when taking on large-scale issues and to celebrate the accomplishments and failures along the way.

International School of Tanganyika (IST)

Jain, Ananya (10)
Thawer, Ayra (10 )
Soni, Muskaan (10)
Admassu, Raiy (12)
Msumi Kibwana Khadija (11)
Lwansa, Chanda (12)


Tired of the bake-sale???

Service groups always fall back to bake sales as a way of fundraising inorder to get the necessary funds needed for their current project. However, these bake sales more times than not end in disaster for a number of reasons. Bake sales don’t guarantee success every time as there are a lot of uncontrolled factors that go in like how many people are going to show up, how many people are actually going to buy baked goods and if members of the service group are going to show up with the promised goods. This problem is just the tip of the iceberg as there is so much more to the downfall of bake sales. They steal focus and energy away from the main project and limit it to only focus on the motions required for a bake sale. We have witnessed many successful service groups fall to their deaths because they focused too much on a bake sale to ensure the continuity of their group.

This is why we need one complete group that handles all the finances of all service groups and relieves specific service groups of this burden. Focus on Service is the aforementioned group in our school. It handles all the fundraising needed for any service groups and all service groups need to do is submit a simple proposal with the exact amount of money they need. This has proven to be quite successful as service groups now can solely focus on fulfilling a specific need in the community and achieving their goal instead of worrying about the next bake sale. If you want to learn on how to implement this type of service club, please join us!!!

International Community School of Addis Ababa (ICA Addis Ababa)

Sophie Bhurtel
Bersabel Beyene


A reevaluation of charity from the African perspective

Connecting to the theme of N’zassa, our workshop will talk about the way charity divides us and creates inequality on a continental and individual level. As the western world perpetuates the image of an Africa incapable of development and the privileged, bombarded with charity projects, develop a superiority complex, seeing the people they “help” only as the needy and not as equals, we learn that charity does more harm than good. The goal of our presentation is to get others to challenge what they believe about charity and inspire them to find real life solutions that will unite Africa and reaffirm ourselves as an equal power on this globe.

American International school of Cape Town (AIS Cape Town)

Brooklyn Kambule
Ofure Omere-Kessi


Bustling Beehive

Working in a beehive can be fun and exciting, but just because there are a lot of bees doesn’t mean a lot of work gets done. We have experience working in student led activities trying to achieve our goals and in the process we have become familiar with the bumpy road that is involved in organizing events. Come join our workshop to learn about the challenges we faced and how we overcame them.Find out how to be as productive as a bee!

American School of Yaounde (ASY)

Akundo Lois
Alexandre Fontana


Session 2
Workshop Title Workshop Description Name of School and Leaders Assigned Room

Waste is not waste until it is completely wasted

Presentation on upcycling and the benefits of upcycling.

American International School of Lagos (AISL)

Malika Iyer (11)


Building Blocks

Presentation with photographs focusing on 2 UNICEF projects currently operational in Ivory Coast. The presenters visited the projects in December. The projects use innovative methods to provide solutions to several issues.

Lycée Français Blaise Pascal

Danielle Turner (9)
Sidy Camara (9)
Manuela Garcia (9)
Ephrata Muluken (9)
Kyara Darragi (9)
Anais Martin (9)
Talisa Mathu (9)
Lou Debroise (9)
Sheila Mobioh (9)
Alicia Granger (9)


Ethical Community Based Engagement

AISB and BAIS students will talk about how students can ethically and effectively engage with their communities.

American International School of Bamako (AISB) &
Bajul American International School (BAIS)

Aiche (12)
Zeytoun (10)
Mima (10)
Aina (9)
John (10)
Mingyu (10)
Kausta (11)



Day 2 – Friday, January 17 2020

Session 3
Workshop Title Workshop Description Name of School and Leaders Assigned Room

Bridging Barriers

Our workshop is a short introduction to our service learning group, EEFY (Education and English for You). The presentation consists of background information as to what we do, in addition to small ice-breaker games to get the audience involved.

International Community School of Abidjan (ICSA)

Gai (11)
Sophie (11)
Ebube (11)
Anaaya (11)
Tanvi (9)


Switch of a Light

We all need a chance to learn! Our workshop is all about providing this opportunity to our communities. A safe workspace to enjoy the gift of education. Do you want to be enlightened today? Come and join us through this journey of hope, switch on your light and become aware of the issues affecting our generation.

The American School of Yaounde (ASY)

Angela Ahouissou (8)
Betty Konare(8)
Yaka Mbye (9)
Clara Demoor (10)


Service Learning Trips and how to carry out meaningful service projects

At the International School of Dakar, students have had a long history of engaging in service with local communities and students during their annual Week Without Walls trips. However, in recent years our IBDP CAS program has called for increased integration of student-led organisation in the program. Students are now expected to both plan and carry out all the service activities during these trips.

Through our failures, successes, and growth, this workshop will talk about the steps and skills required to carry out successful and meaningful student-led service activities.

International School of Dakar (ISD)

Kendra Danga (11)
Phillipe Mensah (11)
Karel Sow (11)
Diana Mbamba (11)
Joshua Bruns (11)


Away with Donations

Do we cover much ground with donations? Alternatives to giving donations and getting community partners to self-sustain.

Brookhouse International School, Kenya

Aaliyah Mukhebi
Njeri Wahome
Georgina Nduta


Session 4
Workshop Title Workshop Description Name of School and Leaders Assigned Room

Dynamite C.O.R.T.T


DYNAMITE C.O.R.T.T. is all about making the most of whatever you have and still being smart about it. It’s not just about you, It’s about you and those around you! It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are. Have fun! Be a hype man (or Woman)! Explore other cultures and your creative side! But most importantly, do it the right way. It’s your time!

The American School of Yaounde (ASY)

Akansa Enow (G.9)
Laeticia Tamufor ( G.10)



In connection with our service project that involves working with hearing impaired students from Association Imagine le Monde, we will explore the value of non verbal communication as a tool to build empathy and create inclusive communities. Workshop attendants will carry out small team challenges that require non verbal communication followed by a brief introduction to sign language.

International Community School of Abidjan (ICSA)

Anais Dogo (12)
Joy Sebera (12)


Step Up by Stepping Down on Plastics

A project that seeks to create awareness of of plastic usage and its effect on the environment, referencing some african countries that are excelling in the efforts of reducing and or eradicating plastic and its effects on the environment.

Morgan International Community School

Aderonke Nicole Otukoya (G11)
Kesewaa Agyemang Duah (G11)
Fiona Emefa Markin
Elisa Sedinam Tettey

