Participation Agreement:

As this is a student-centred event all students are expected to attend and actively participate in Summit activities they have signed up for. This helps to foster an engaging, energetic atmosphere that enhances a participant’s experience. 

This agreement is based on the concept of responsible citizenship. It assumes that every participant, as a citizen, will always respect and protect themselves and others during the summit.

Summit participants:

  • Will remember that they represent their school, community, family, and home country at all times during the conference. Behaviour must represent these groups in a positive manner.
  • All summit participants must abide by any rules as set out in their schools’ code of conduct.
  • There may be sensitive or triggering information shared during the summit. If you experience this please reach out to your school counselor or a trusted adult.
  • Any transgressions can result in the removal of the student from the summit.