Student Workshops

The purpose of the workshop is to share how you are embodying FUNGUKA through service work in your community. Presentations should cover how students are working towards addressing global issues at the local level through community action. Read More…

Click here for the Student Workshop Form.

Sustainability Teams

Sustainability Teams are created in order to better connect students from different schools.  These teams provide another vehicle for student empowerment, team building and the learning of skills. Read More…

Service Day
Action empowers and inspires. Making a difference through doing, rather than through talking about doing, is the best.This is why on day 3 of the conference, all delegates go out to service projects to engage in direct service. Read More…

Keynote Speakers

Keynote speakers are inspiring. Their speeches are an excellent way to inform and inspire students about African issues as well as motivate them to take action themselves.

Changemaker Sessions

Conference participants will have the opportunity to sign up for sessions with local Changemakers from from across Dar es Salaam to learn about issues they are tackling through exemplary community action.

Changemaker Panels

On day 2, participants will attend one of three Changemaker Panels. Panels will be driven by an essential question and will provide the opportunity for students to ask questions to the Changemakers. Read More…